Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Gary North on Audit the Fed

Gary North on what it means that the Audit the Fed/End the Fed movement is making such progress:

The FED is now coming under more scrutiny from the public than ever before. There is pressure on Congress to pass Ron Paul's bill, H.R. 1207, which would require the FED (a government agency) to submit to audits by the Government Accountability Office. This "shocking" proposal is being fought tool and nail by the FED. The thought of such a thing! Why, it would imply that the government is in charge of a government organization. What is Paul thinking of?

On this issue, Paul is finally being taken seriously. This is helped by the fact that his book, End the Fed, released on September 16, was #29 in sales on Amazon on September 21. This list includes fiction books. That a book on such an arcane topic sells this well is unexplainable for the mainstream media. The FED has been beyond serious criticism in the press since 1914.

This represents a change in public opinion. Not the broad public, of course. The broad public is represented by Jay Leno's "Jaywalking" segments. I mean the literate public. The visible disaster that began in September 2008 can no longer be concealed. Ron Paul was the only public figure in the United States who had built a career on criticism of the FED in particular and central banking in general. His decades of persistence have paid off.

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