Friday, April 1, 2011

Russia's Surprisingly High Output of Academic Research on the Hard Sciences

From a Credit Bubble Stocks correspondent:

Think about this in connection with the undervaluing of Russian equities.

For physics, Moscow publishes the most papers of any city in the world, but they are not in the orbit of the West and they publish in Russian, so they don't get cited as much. For chemistry, Moscow publishes the most papers of any city in the world, but they don't get cited so much for the same reasons that apply to physics.

I guess this has to do with empire building, grant hunting, favor trading, monoglotism and such.

For psychology, London publishes the largest number of papers of any city in the world and they are heavily cited. Moscow doesn't bother. Hardly anybody outside Western Europe and the United States does. This might be an aspect of the chattering done by people with soft hands and baby rabbit minds, in declining empires

As a Bengali friemd of mine said to me, once, "Psychology ... bogus!" He was an engineer.

Or it might be as the result of specialization for complicated swindles.

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