Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dotcom Bubble 2.0 (LNKD)

The whole world has gone crazy.

By some valuation metrics, this is the most expensive stock in America! And that was at the IPO price this morning - it has more than doubled so far today!


Taylor Conant said...

In other news, I deleted my LinkedIn profile just days ago, and only a few weeks after first making it, because I already realized it added little-to-no value to my life.

Good luck to all my friends, relatives and acquaintances who remain on the site, driving LinkedIn's growth model. I am sure they will all find many new lucrative jobs and relationships with other people and that some residual value from these exchanges will somehow dribble back to LinkedIn and that no one will ever think to come and compete with LinkedIn along the way.

CP said...

That'll be the day!

CP said...

CP said...

# The main reason the vast majority of us are on Linkedin, the main reason we voluntarily post our education/work history for the World (or at least our Networks) to see is because we're holding out hope that perhaps, maybe, just maybe, someone above us on the career ladder will happen upon our profile and think "Wow, this person looks great, let me hire him/her with a nice fat salary!" I've conducted an exhaustive scientific study, and can verify that (absent sales gigs) this has never happened.

Taylor Conant said...

Why can't Facebook do what LinkedIn does? And did everyone forget about and CareerBuilder?

What kind of ad revenue can you pull when people are most likely going to post their resume details and then forget they have a LinkedIn Profile until someone hopefully offers them a job (or adds them as a contact)?