"It's Friday, Friday" Links
Internet Bubble
- P, LNKD: "Both stocks are below what traders (I don’t think many investors got involved here) could buy them for on the open market. Both are also still massively overpriced and have much further to fall."
- Ballsy Pandora Analyst Has Guts To Say "SELL"
- Falky: "whenever there are options available on stocks that are hard to borrow you have a large number of investors behaving suboptimally"
- The USG Corp 6.3%s of 2016 have fallen from 97.5 to 92 since the beginning of June - losing almost a year's worth of interest. Meanwhile, the stock is flat. One of these things is not like the other...
- Great long/short energy idea: "A practical trading application of this strategy would be to long a cost leading solar pv company and short a cost lagging solar pv company."
- Great KK article: "The Clock in the Mountain"
- For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto - Murray N. Rothbard
- "My personal history in Chess is only here to describe when one should give up. My view is that the EU should give up on the Euro, and plan now for its demise, going back to individual currencies for each nation. The experiment has failed. Topple the King."
- Art Cashin Compares This Week's Action To The Days Before Black Friday.
- Angry bull: "It must feel good to know that your cynicism and just-prudence is now paying dividends. Just know that betting against the market and the men with guns only works for so long. The game is rigged against the rational, the libertarian, the Austrian." Hmmm.. I guess the game may be "rigged against" me, but it hasn't stopped me from making money...
Geez a few down weeks and 6-7% down on rhe major indices and you would think its a 30% route and a new bear market the way the bullish are whining and complanining about bears. How conditioned for an only up market are people now? Unreal.
Long SH and PSQ since last week.
I know, right!?!
Hey, does anyone remember "whydibuy" from the comments section earlier this year when the market peaked?\
Favorite short right now: USG.
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