"Statistical analysis of bankrupting and non-bankrupting stocks."
This statistical analysis of bankrupting stocks is consistent with the research we've been doing on the worthless stock inefficiency:
The new statistical physics analysis uncovered several ways in which the behavior of stocks approaching bankruptcy differs from that of non-bankrupting stocks. One of the biggest differences is in the distribution of returns: pre-bankrupt stocks are more likely to have larger daily returns (both positive and negative) than stocks that don't become bankrupt. In other words, pre-bankrupt stocks have larger day-to-day price fluctuations. As would be expected, the difference is bigger for negative returns than positive returns, indicating the falling stock price preceding a bankruptcy. The closer the day of bankruptcy approaches, the greater the possibility for these dramatic price changes.We've done six posts so far on the worthless stock inefficiency: [1,2,3,4,5,6]
A second major difference between pre-bankrupt stocks and others is that the former experience a stronger correlation between volatility and volume. Previous research has shown that volatility and volume exhibit a positive correlation, meaning that large changes in stock price are often accompanied by large changes in trading volume. But during the 100 days preceding bankruptcy, a stock's volatility and volume both tend to increase more than usual, and so the two become more strongly correlated than normal. So even without knowing the underlying causes of the increased volatility and volume, the strong correlation provides a statistical indication of approaching bankruptcy.
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