Thursday, September 6, 2012

Barges: "Steel Leads Revival in Ohio River Valley" ($CNRD)

From the coal york times,

"The iron castings are evidence of a seminal economic transition that is unfolding in the six-state Ohio River Valley, a region that once encompassed much of what used to be called the Rust Belt. 'The coal trade is way down,” said Mr. McKinney, 54, who has spent more than 30 years moving bulk cargo on the Ohio River. “But we’re doing a lot more commercial cargo now. We’re seeing more steel, more rock, more concrete. Somebody’s making money.'"


anony mouse said...

Sorry to jump on an unrelated thread.

The number of natural-gas drilling rigs working in the U.S. fell by 21 this week to 452, according to oil-field- services company Baker Hughes Inc.

1) Where is the bottom on the rig count?
2) When do gas prices rebound?

CP said...

No worries. I'm not sure about #1.

With #2, I think a lot depends on the weather this winter. That's unfortunate, because you don't really want to be in a position of betting on the weather so I don't think you can make a big directional bet on anything NG.