Friday, August 30, 2013

Someone Dumps Suntech Stock After Hours? ($STP)

Kinda weird, this doesn't usually trade after hours.

19:59  $ .92 Low 9,000
19:59  $ .93  8,400
19:59  $ .93  600
19:59  $ .93  4,400
19:59  $ .93  3,000
19:59  $ .93  1,600
19:59  $ .93  2,400
19:58  $ .92  400
19:58  $ .92  2,000
Trades down 10% in the evening of a three day weekend, after three directors resign and the forbearance deadline expires??


whydibuy said...

Or you could say someone buys suntech after hours. Always interesting how people spin that one depending on if they are bullish or bearish.

Walter said...

Maybe because the price dropped 10%...