Looking Back on the Credit Bubble Stocks 2019 Prediction Contest
We are coming to the end of the 2019 prediction contest. (See the questions and the crowd consensus on probabilities.)
Longtime participant and prescient prediction suggester Barbarian Capital wrote in to say, "Looking at my suggestions from last year as I am thinking about next year's..." See below:
Financial (NEW)
GE or TSLA or PG&E: chapter 11 or substantial equity dilution or
restructuring of liabilities >>> PGC Chapter 11!
- Low vol (50/50 USMV SPLV) underperforms SPY on a total return basis >>> neck in neck YTD
Lloyd Blankfein is criminally charged in the US in relation to the MDB1
scandal >>> does not look like it... GS settlement talks
- At least one Theranos BOD member is criminally charged in the US in relation to Theranos >>> not happening!
- SEC approves a cryptocurrency ETF >>> shot down another proposal I think
AMZN HQ2 is materially modified (current status 2x 25k jobs over 10 yrs
in NYC and NoVA; subsidies in the billions) >>> BLEW UP!
- More than 10% of US AMZN workforce vote to, or joins, a union > nope
- FNMA and/or FMCC trade below $0.10 at any time during 2019 >> nope
The price return of a basket of KKR BX CG APO is below that of XLF
price return for 2019 >>> PE outperformed by quite a bit
Uber, Lyft, Slack, Pinterest, Palantir, Robin Hood: the median price
return of all entities that IPO in 2019 is negative for 2019 from IPO
price >>> YAS, the IPOs were weak
- Formal
attempt by the US government to use anti-trust against any "Big Tech"
member >>> House Anti Trust panel is seeking docs
Facebook pays or agrees to pay $10 bn or more in relation to advertising
fraud >>> paid $40 mm settlement in a private party suit
Western Canadian Select trades at a premium to WTI at any time (in USD
terms; in 2018 the discount ranged between ~$10-$52) >>> nope
(it has never traded above)
- The most current 13F as of 12/31/19 of the Swiss National Bank shows a balance below $45 billion (current $89.769 bn) (filings) >>> not happening
- SEC announces plans to no longer require quarterly reporting by US public filers >>> nope
- US student loans drop below 1,563.5927 bn (balance as of most recent FRED data) >>> nope, 1.638 rn
- A US regulator imposes a material new restriction on Credit Default Swaps >>> nope
A US regulator imposes a material new restrictions on equity
shortselling at any time for any period in 2019 >>> nope; serious convos in the EU
- The SPY has at least one -5% day>> not so far
At least one $1 bn+ AUM US fixed income ETF closes at a 10% or greater
discount to NAV on at least one trading day >> have not seen that
- Case Shiller NYC condo index drops below 250 (most recent 274.82, published Nov 18) >> 272 currently, SALT is starting to bite IMO. This or NJ or CT house index is a proxy for taxpayer flight.
Finance x Politics (NEW)
Congress passes a bill that presents a major curtailment of cash
returns to shareholders (limitations on buybacks and/or dividends)
>>> no, but is a campaign issue
- Congress passes a bill that introduces a federal net worth based tax >>>
no, but is a campaign issue
- Congress passes a bill that reverses the SALT situation from the DJT tax cuts >> nope
Congress passes a bill that substantially changes established
retirement savings accounts (IRAs, 401k, 453, 457 etc.) >>>
- Congress passes a bill that substantially modifies the
current student loan situation (eligible for bankruptcy discharge pari
passu with other debt, lifetime payments limit for all, etc.) >>
no, but is a campaign issue
- Congress passes a bill that introduces a universal single payer healthcare system ("Medicare for All" type) >>>
no, but is a campaign issue
- Congress passes a bill that substantially harms the
profitability of pharma cos (ie drug price negotiations or IP
modifications) >>> nope
- Congress passes a bill that substantially introduces a points-based immigration system >>> nope
Political (NEW)
- DJT announces/is prevented from/or equivalent outcome that he will not seek re-election in 2020 > no
- DJT pardons any family member or formal campaign staffer by 12/31/19 (12/31/19 included) > no
- DJT Jr. is suspended or banned from Twitter at any time during 2019 > no
- Pelosi is no longer the House leader as of 12/31/19 (she has a multi-year deal starting in Jan) > no
One or more states establish a resident "exit tax" based on net worth
and/or future income > no but NYS is auditing 100% of high income
earners who move
- Federal voter photo ID becomes the law of the land > no
- Xi and DJT physically meet five or more times > no but trade negs are still daily headlines
- Macron, Trudeau and/or Erdogan no longer head of state on 12/31/19 (not in the position, plans do not count) > still there
Jerome Powell is no longer Fed Chairman on 12/31/19 (not in the
position, plans do not count) >> getting more interesting
- Ukraine and/or Russia formally declare war on the other party by 12/31/19 > no
- Recreational pot legal in all 50 US states > no but SAFE act advances
- Any current US state votes on a split (referendum or state reps) >> no
- Any current US state votes on secession from the union (referendum or state reps) >> no
A named executive officer ("NEO") of any US S&P 500 company is
detained in Mainland China, Hong Kong or Macau for any reason >>
- Kanye West, Kim K, Scarmucci and/or Tiffany Trump have a formal White House role at any time during 2019 >> no
Other (NEW)
- NYC sets a new high temperature record (currently 106F) >> no
- NYC sets a new low temperature record (currently -15F) >> no
Number of Americans giving up US passports (on an LTM basis as of
12/31/19) is more than 6,000 (LTM as of 12/15/18 is around 4,000, tables here) >> lower YTD
- the XFL substantially delays or fails to launch (Jan/Feb 2020 scheduled start) >> still scheduled
- Conor McGregor has no UFC belt on 12/31/19 (incl from any 12/31/19 event) >> lost both
- Brazilian jiu-jitsu is declared a Summer Olympic sport >> no
- Most recent data on the Harvard class Asian ethnicity percentage goes above 28% (most recent data, class of 2022 is 22.9%) >> up to 25.3%
- "Class of 2019" mean total SAT score moves by +/- 20 or more points vs. Class of 2018 at 1068 (College Board data) >> mean score down to 1059
- Substantive #MeToo allegations against Warren Buffett published in NYT/WSJ/WaPo/LAT >> no
"- GE or TSLA or PG&E: chapter 11 or substantial equity dilution or restructuring of liabilities >>> PGC Chapter 11!"
PCG, not PGC
So if PG&E (PCG) were to decide that providing electric power in areas of high fire risk was not in the best interest of the company, eg because they couldn't obtain adequate liability insurance at an affordable cost, would the state of CA allow them to stop service to those areas?
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