[This is a guest review of Bottle of Lies: The
Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom by CBS reader @PdxSag.]
I bought this book thinking it would fill-in the vague, almost memory-holed story of an Indian generic-drug company that the FDA had shutdown a few years ago. I recalled seeing occasional mention of the topic by Steve Sailer (1)
but nothing at any other media sources.
I quipped to my Dad, “I'm not sure
what the take-away on this one is going to be. Sordid tale of our
government selling us out to globalist crony-capitalists for
legalized kickbacks of pennies on the dollar? Yeah, I've heard. Or a
warning that consumers should avoid generics in favor of the Big
Pharma brand-names? Um, 1995 called, they want their insurance back.”
As it turns out, it was both of those
and much more. Indeed, I'd say the book has something for everyone:
Regulatory capture – close
followers of the
Boeing and
Tesla fiascoes are advised to keep a stiff
drink on hand
Jurisdictional in-fighting and
glacial responses by regulatory agencies – again, stiff drinks for
our friends short the Boeing and Tesla equities
Bald-faced fraud on the part of
foreign-born corporate executives
US bureaucrats, contra their
reputation, all bark and no bite – and chipping away at US credibility in eyes of regulators and frauds alike in the rest of
the world
Globalization fleecing American
Clinton Foundation (Really. Albeit
mostly a cameo, but still... no coincidences?)
At times this was a hard book to read.
The sense of deja vu I got from it was relentless. It has been 10
years since the fraud that is the primary subject of the book took
place, and yet the characters and events are no different, save for
the names, than I see happening at Tesla and Boeing. At times I
wonder if the financial fraud of Enron presaged the financial fraud
of the banks leading to the GFC, and perhaps now we're seeing a
similar situation where the product fraud of Ranbaxy presaged the
product fraud of companies like Theranos, Tesla, and Boeing.
Americans are getting fleeced by
globalization and there's nary a thing citizens are able to do in
response. It's not mere apathy by our government, from all
appearances it's active antipathy. As Sailer often remarks: privatize
profits (by a well-connected clique at the top) and socialize costs
(across a segmented and antagonized base).
With regard to outsourcing, I was given
pause to wonder how exactly pharmaceutical manufacturing is supposed
to benefit from offshoring. Ostensibly globalization is leveraging –
some say exploiting – cheap labor to lower the price on a finished
good. It's easy to see the large relative labor component in a
consumer non-durable: shoes, clothes, toys, etc. In contrast,
pharmaceutical production should be a very expensive chemical
engineering plant with very little human labor per unit-mass of
finished product. If that is the case – and the book didn't exactly
explore this point – then on the face of it, it should be obvious
offshoring pharmaceutical production isn't about labor arbitrage.
Rather, it has to be about regulatory arbitrage: specifically
escaping over-sight to make it easier to cut-corners – some say
cheating – without getting caught. Where is the fig leaf of
plausible deniability that American patients stand to benefit from
outsourcing prescription drugs? So far as I can tell, there isn't
one. It's a shameless money grab that could not withstand a rational
scrutinization if our media and government weren't in on the con
In the book we read about the
rank-and-file front-line inspectors of the FDA doing commendable work
under circumstances where the deck is stacked against them. They
persevere against the odds and expose egregious fraud. Then, their
work ends all for naught as the FDA's higher-ups stifle, water-down,
and neuter any significant consequences bowing to political
considerations. Again, anyone following along the NHTSA, the SEC, the
DoJ, the EPA, CAL-OSHA, and a half-dozen other Federal, California,
and New York regulatory agencies' impotent oversight of Tesla knows
this story all too well. Or, for our aerospace friends, the FAA's
lackadaisical over-sight of Boeing.
Despite my misgivings that the book was
going to be yet another accounting of a sordid industry, it more than
redeems itself by offering an informative look at an industry –
pharmaceutical manufacturing – that I think most people take for
My naïve assumption, and I think most
people's as well, was that generic drugs are following “solved”
chemical engineering processes – cookbook chemistry as it were –
to create chemical compounds that are identical in every way to what
the brand-name manufacturers are producing (bioequivalent is the
technical term). With brand-names, as the conventional wisdom goes,
you're paying for drug discovery research and development (and
marketing and advertising), but manufacturing quality is not an
independent variable between products. The truth of the matter is
neither one of those assumptions is correct.
First, generic drug companies must
create their own, unique, manufacturing process. Drug patents apply
to the active chemical compounds, as
well as to the process one follows to create the
chemical compounds. The patent exemption for generic drugs is only
for the final, active chemical compounds. The process, or
recipe, to create the chemical compounds is still covered by patent
held by the brand-name. In fact, the patent-holding brands routinely
use this fact to dispute generic drug company's applications for
patent exemption. Thus, by-definition generic producers are required
to come up with a unique recipe to create a drug that will,
nonetheless, produce an identical result.
A rough analogy is the brand-name
company has patented selling bus rides from New York City to Chicago.
The patent covers the route as well as the destination. The generics
are granted an exemption to also sell bus rides from New York to
Chicago, ie. the destination, but they must come up with their own
unique route. Obviously where this analogy breaks down is that it's
trivial to come-up with a non-infringing route between two distant
cities. It's not trivial to come-up with a non-infringing process to
cost-competitively manufacture a complex chemical compound that
otherwise is identical in every way. To abuse the analogy, the
generic's route may be such that the destination is not even Chicago.
It's Gurnee, or perhaps more aptly, Gary.
Second, quality control is vitally
important and anything but “cookbook chemistry.” Remarkably, quality control is so variable that generic manufacturers, as a matter
of course, grade their finished products and decide post-hoc upon the
market into which they will be sold. Literally, the same drug from
the same plant will be destined to an end-market differently from one
day to the next based on final manufacturing test results. The
product a market receives is directly proportional to the strength of
that market's regulators. Africa, India, and developing world nations
are at the bottom. China, Latin America, and Eastern Europe are next
up in quality. Western Europe is third. United States and Canada
(owing to US proximity more than actual Canadian regulatory muscle)
at the top. But, make no mistake, like the best house in a bad
neighborhood, the FDA is failing miserably. US consumers are merely
getting the best of the worst when it comes to Indian and Chinese
produced generics.
In lieu of a synopsis the book, I'll
share some of the more remarkable excerpts.
The whistleblower that ultimately
caused the complete shutdown of the Indian pharmaceutical firm
Ranbaxy sent his first email to the FDA on August 15, 2005. It would
be 8 years of gross fraud on the American public right under the
nose of the FDA and DoJ before the final settlement was signed and a
$500 million dollar fine paid. Soon after the company shutdown.
However, no executives or management were held personally liable,
either financially or criminally. All of them, save the CEO, found
work in other generic Indian pharmaceutical companies. Supposedly
they were highly sought-after given their considerable experience
maneuvering against the FDA.
FDA's head of Office of
Compliance, Deb Autor, had 10 years prior to that time worked at the
law firm that was now representing Ranbaxy, and was on first-name
basis with the partner who served as Ranbaxy's outside counsel.
Based on the text of emails Autor sent to the enforcement folks in
the FDA, one would be forgiven for thinking she was still working on
the side of her old firm, and not the FDA.
“[In 1989 Mylan] had heard
rumors [FDA Chief Chemist] Chang was getting his reviewers to slow
down reviews or to fabricate excuses to block certain applications.
Finally, the Mylan executives hired private detectives, who found a
motive in his trash. [tickets for round-the-world airline trip and
receipts for expensive furniture] Corrupt generic drug companies
appeared to be bribing Chang with trips and furniture in exchange
for approving their own applications and blocking those of
“John Dingell's (D-MI)
committee uncovered corruption that seemed to have no bottom.
Generic drug executives has roamed the FDA's halls, dropping
envelopes stuffed with thousands in cash onto the desks of
reviews... Representative Wyden (D-OR) [now Senator] called the
generic drug industry 'a swamp that must be drained.' [heh]”
“One of the companies
involved in the scandal [in 1989] was Quad Pharmaceuticals, an
Indianapolis-based company whose CEO, Dilap Shah, had given Chang $23,000.”
“Although the scandal in the
1980s had implicated American companies, those companies had largely
been run by South Asians, such Quad Pharmaceuticals."
an event reminiscent to the baby-formula scandal: “Nobody
understood why the heparin – which is made from the mucosal lining
of pig intestines, most of which come from China – was suddenly
making patients sick. In February 2008, the FDA discovered the
likely source of the contamination: a Chinese plant supplied the
crude heparin to Baxter. In a clerical blunder the FDA had
completely overlooked and failed to inspect the facility, Changzhou
SPL, located 150 miles west of Shanghai. Instead it inspected and
approved a plant with a similar sounding name. Predictably, once the
FDA officials finally traveled to Changzhou in February 2008 to make
an on-the-ground inspection, they found serious problems... nuclear
magnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed a synthetic substance
called oversulfated chondrotin sulfate (OSCS). The ingredient
mimicked heparin, was almost impossible to detect, and produced
life-threatening reactions. The FDA formally named OSCS as a likely
contaminant and concluded that it had been added, somewhere along
the supply chain, to increase the yield and profitability of the
one of Ranbaxy's manufacturing plants in India: “There
was only one entryway, secured by a well-staffed guard post. The
guards there, former military policemen, seemed proud to confirm
that they logged all employees and visitors in and out through the
gate. No one got past them. This gave [the FDA inspector] the
opportunity he needed. By examining checkpoint records at the gate,
he learned that the supervisors who had signed off as present for
the manufacturing of key tacrolimus batches had not actually been at
the plant on those days. They had not signed in to the security gate
logs. The dates, times, and signatures of the batch records were
fake and had been filled in after the fact.”
“Inside the FDA, despite
murky and chaotic deliberations over Ranbaxy's fate, it seemed clear
to some that the agency would never allow a company so saturated
with fraud to keep exclusive rights to launch the nation's most
important generic drug... But an argument had begun seeping into the
government's internal deliberations. Because the generic drug
company operated on razor-thin margins, it needed the profits from
exclusive rights in order to pay the record-breaking fine it
“This time, because the
inspection was so vital, the FDA's India office had given Ranbaxy
only a few hours of advance notice – less time to conceal
evidence. But Baker and Argawal wound up in the wrong town and had
to backtrack, which took hours and bought Ranbaxy additional time.
The investigators finally arrived, but a corporate executive from
Ranbaxy's headquarters had beaten them there. The executive had
taken the first flight from New Delhi that morning, which meant the
company must have gotten word of the inspection the night before.
Someone in the FDA's India office had almost certainly leaked it.”
“[Generic drug manufactures]
worked to make their formulations look perfect on paper, regardless
of their actual quality. They jury-rigged the result by fiddling
with the tests, retesting already proven batches, or even testing
the brand-name products instead. Only then would they move the data
to the computer system the FDA was going to examine. Until [FDA
inspector] Baker showed up in India, only Ranbaxy had gotten caught
– because of the whistleblower Dinseh Thakur... The finished doses
manufactured at Wockhardt and other Indian plants were shipped
straight from those factories to American wholesalers and
drugstores. People had the right to know what they were taking and
to choose what they didn't want to take. But American patients had
no idea of the subterfuge that went into the manufacturing of their
low-cost medicine, and the FDA had no plans to tell them.”
This wasn't in the book, but I feel it
warrants mentioning. From my own experience and from news events many times I see reliable distinctions between foreign
nationals that went to college in the US, got their first jobs in the
US, and have deep social ties in the US, and foreign nationals that
went to school and began their careers in their countries of origin,
then transferred to western companies or began selling their
foreign-sourced products into western markets. In the former case, as
a group I have experienced nothing to indicated they are any less
trustworthy than any other westerner. Indeed, the whistleblower at
Ranbaxy was a South Asian who started his career at Bristol-Myers
Squibb. As for the executives at Boeing responsible for the 737MAX,
they are Americans through and through. Obviously no country or
region has a corner on frauds and liars. What is obvious is that the
vast majority of people are products of their culture. At present,
the professional business culture in China and India and Russia, and what it selects for in executives able to get ahead in it, is
not the same as the US, Canada, and Western Europe. As such, American
consumers gain very little benefit when our markets and businesses
are opened up to people who are products of those other cultures.
As for my grade of the book, I give it
5 stars for a comprehensive telling of an important story that has
been deliberately ignored in the mainstream. The globalist system
wants Americans to believe all prescription drugs are the same, and
the FDA and the media are willing accomplices in that charade. The
message in book needs to be known to the American public.
On the other hand, the story
as-presented by the author was closer to 4 stars. It suffers slightly
from choppiness, too many names and characters (though that is
probably unavoidable given the events), and less than sensational
recounting of what really are some sensational events. I was left
wishing for a modern “The Jungle,” but this book wasn't up to
that challenge. In the final acknowledgements Eban writes, “I am
indebted to Mark Lee Hunter for his advice on how to turn years of
reporting and mountains of information into an actual story at a
moment when I felt stuck.” I can completely understand where that
statement came from. This book was no easy task, and 4 stars for
quality of writing and story-telling is no shame. In the end, I
averaged the two to rate it a 4.5 out of 5.
Post-script: while in the process of
writing this review the book's author, Katherine Eban
a story from New Zealand where the state-sponsored pharmacy board
was running a public relations campaign on the “nocebo effect,”
in which supposedly patients imagine their generic prescription drugs
are not as effective as their brand-name equivalents. At the same
time, they pulled approval for a pair of brand-name epilepsy drugs in
a cost-savings bid. Since August of this year, 4 patient deaths have
occurred which are suspected of being linked to the change to generic
medications. Again, we see globalization privatizing profits,
socializing costs, and the best interests of citizens in developed
countries being actively subverted by their government.
The truth of the matter is neither one of those assumptions is correct.
I would have voiced the same assumptions.
[FDA Chief Chemist] Chang
This must be Charles Change (see the link) -- since no first name was given, I had to look -- in doing so, I found a number of Changs working for the FDA -- which itself is unsettling.
For the following reason/in the following way, this story about the shitty doings of (some) generic drugmakers reminded me of what is going on with free speech in the US today -- what I mean is this:
Re free speech, you used to be able to rely on the fact we as a nation were pretty much all on the same page about it -- therefore, the common decency of people about this meant that free speech was more or less guaranteed -- not anymore, though: something has changed; something tangible has been lost -- this issue, along with others, makes me feel things have gotten so bad that I increasingly doubt the US can exist into the future as a coherent polity -- you saw the polarization in Trump vs Clinton.
Same with drugmakers: you'd think that common morality and human decency would mean drugmakers would not ever consider cutting corners so blatantly for the sake of money/profit, because this would endanger people, potentially a great many people throughout the world -- but you'd be wrong, because it seems this has happened, and is very likely still happening -- I mean, what kind of human beings would do something like that? -- I know the FDA exists, but I always thought of it as exercising light-handed oversight, with the job of ensuring drug safety and efficacy primarily being done by the drugmakers -- maybe we need a kind of community supported pharmaceutical industry similar to the concept of community supported agriculture, where people who benefit from farms help by sharing the risk of crop failure -- so farmers don't have to put themselves at the mercy of banks, where a poor harvest could mean disaster for them: losing their farm.
RE: common human decency...
When the Chinese infant formula scandal broke out, it told me we should never do business with the Chinese ever again. What kind of culture do they have that poisoning their own babies is even fathomable? What could we hope to gain doing business with such a culture?
Instead, the news over here treated it as an internal Chinese problem, that Americans should have no worries because the FDA is the toughest in the world and nothing gets by them. Well, the heparin scandal showed that the FDA can't be all places at all times. and now Eban's book shows the FDA is a political animal like all the other Beltway TLA's.
When the Chinese infant formula scandal broke out, ...
Yes, I remember that -- infants ffs, I mean what the fucking hell -- at least the Chinese had the balls to execute some of those responsible, which I doubt would happen in the US -- I also remember thinking that little the shark-finners might do would surprise me.
Also I really should say many thanks for this very good and informative review -- it is an issue I knew little about.
Thank you! I'm glad it's appreciated.
I figured that offshoring the U.S. drug supply could have two possible outcomes: Either the quality of drugs worldwide would rise to American standards — or American standards would sink. The demise of the Mylan plant seems to be a story of sinking.
A.F. - can't believe you chose to review a book about pharma crooks in December 2019!
Did you see the yield curve inverting and realize that they were about to unleash a pandemic?
A.F. - can't believe you chose to review a book about pharma crooks in December 2019!
Did you see the yield curve inverting and realize that they were about to unleash a pandemic?
"US Military Is So Worried About Drug Safety It Wants to Test Widely Used Medicines"
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