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- While the supply of bitcoins might be finite, the aggregate supply
of digital currency as a whole, including Ethereum, Litecoin, and all
the other variants, is potentially infinite. We have already seen the
emergence not just of Ethereum, but a seemingly limitless number of new
Bitcoin immitation currencies alongside a proliferation of so-called
'initial coin offerings'. It is therefore a clear fallacy that one is
buying into a finite supply of the world's next global currency to be.
And why should we not have expected supply to mushroom in this way?
Ethereum was created by a 21yo college dropout in his basemen at zero
cost. If you can code a currency in your basement that subsequently ends
up trading at an aggregate value of $40bn, then why on earth would you
not do so? But this sort of alchemy can't last. One of the best measures
of something's value is its replacement cost, and if a 21 year old can
create a digital currency in his basement, it can't be all that hard. It
is therefore reasonable to expect thousands and thousands of new coin
offerings to emerge until the supply overwhelms demand and the prices of
all of them crash. [LT3000]
- Satoshi Nakamoto's paper and Bitcoin launch happened in 2008... over
10 years ago. The iPhone was launched in 2007. If blockchain really is a
platform that will change everything, it's a real sleeper success
story. Typically you see killer apps on a new platform a lot quicker.
Web 1.0 launched Amazon and Netflix within the first couple of years.
Where are all the blockchain apps? The only industries that have really
been impacted are ransomware, money laundering, and facilities for
exchanging and speculating on tokens. There are unloved monopoly ledger
companies like OpenTable and Ticketmaster. Where has any centralized
application actually been disrupted? If distributed ledger technology
can't disrupt OpenTable, what use is it? My best guess is that
blockchain and Bitcoin adoption will remain a curiosity and a niche
phenomenon linked to black markets, illicit activities, weak states with
unreliable payments and money. [link]
- What is now apparent is that bitcoin was never a monetary
phenomenon. No, bitcoin is a new sort of financial betting game. It is a
digital, global, highly-secure, and fairer version of the old-fashioned
chain letter. The premise behind bitcoin-the-game is that the current
wave of buyers must guess when (or if) a subsequent wave of buyers will
emerge, this second next wave's participation being contingent on when
(or if) they believe a third wave of buyers to emerge. If they guess
right, the early birds win at the expense of the late ones. And they can
win a lot of money, as Coinbase points out in its post. [link]
- [P]roof-of-work axiomatically requires high transaction costs to
ensure payment finality ... Counterfeiters can attack bitcoin via a
"double-spending" strategy, ie spending in one block and later undoing
this by releasing a forged blockchain in which the transactions are
erased. This paper starts by introducing the concept of "economic
payment finality" in the blockchain. That is, a payment can be
considered final only once it is unprofitable for any potential
adversary to undo it with a double-spending attack. ... If the
incentives of potential attackers are analysed, it is clear that the
cost of economic payment finality is extreme. For example, to achieve
economic payment finality within six blocks (one hour), back of the
envelope calculations suggest that mining income must mount to 8.3% of
the transaction volume – a multiple of transaction fees in today's
mainstream payment services. [DSHR]
- Let's compare Nakamoto's goals to the state of cryptocurrencies in
practice: *No trusted third parties. In practice you have to trust both
exchanges and mining pools. *Irreversible transactions. In practice
immutability is a double-edged sword, but in any case the 51% attacks on
smaller cryptocurrencies illustrate the reversibility of transactions.
*Micro-transactions. In practice the average fee to get your transaction
confirmed is more than $1 - as I write it is $4. *Parties transact
directly without intermediaries. This is possible, but in practice for
large transactions you need exchanges, and for small transactions you
would need the Lightning Network (if it worked). *Buyers need not reveal
personal information. In practice, except to an exchange. And note that
de-pseudonymizing cryptocurrency addresses turns out to be fairly easy
in practice. *Irreversibility protects sellers from fraud. In practice,
fraud is rampant. *Escrow protects buyers from fraud. In practice,
escrow mechanisms have not turned out to "easily be implemented". So
Bitcoin hasn't been a great success measured by Nakamoto's goals for it.
- Ethereum sucks. Either the devs are too incompetent to make the code
work or they are being bribed to forestall upgrades; either way is bad
news for Ethereum. This bodes poorly for future upgrades such as Caspar
and Sharding. Ethereum will continue to fall relative to Bitcoin and
other coins as people lose faith in the project. A trade that is 'short'
Ethereum and long a combination Bitcoin, Tron, Stellar, Monero, Ripple
should be successful. [Grey Enlightenment]
- If you add together the current market value of the Brazilian real,
the Iranian rial, and the Russian ruble – all starting with "r" and all
questionable currencies – you arrive at something well over $2 trillion.
As custody problems for holding cryptocurrencies are solved – and big
and powerful financial intermediaries are working on it – why can't the
market value of bitcoin rival any one of those or even all three
together? If that happens, I'll never find a stock with a rate of return
close to what bitcoin would provide. So if you make it a 1-2% position,
the worst that can happen is you lose every penny. The best that can
happen is you get an astronomical rate of return. The risk/reward is
better than anything else I can find.
[Horizon Kinetics]
- The amount of computational power devoted to anonymous,
decentralized blockchains such as Bitcoin's must simultaneously satisfy
two conditions in equilibrium: (1) a zero-profit condition among miners,
who engage in a rent-seeking competition for the prize associated with
adding the next block to the chain; and (2) an incentive compatibility
condition on the system's vulnerability to a "majority attack", namely
that the computational costs of such an attack must exceed the benefits.
Together, these two equations imply that (3) the recurring, "flow",
payments to miners for running the blockchain must be large relative to
the one-off, "stock", benefits of attacking it. This is very expensive! [link]
- Even the most die-hard crypto enthusiasts prefer in practice to rely
on trust rather than their own crypto-medieval systems. 93% of bitcoins
are mined by managed consortiums, yet none of the consortiums use smart
contracts to manage payouts. Instead, they promise things like a "long
history of stable and accurate payouts." Sounds like a trustworthy
middleman! [link]
- A lot of folks are in situations where they either don't pay for
electricity or pay a flat rate. Why aren't they all mining Bitcoin? How
about office workers? Nobody complains if they plug in a space heater, a
Lava lamp, an aquarium, or a personal phone charger. Maybe the landlord
is paying the electric bill in any case. Why wouldn't there be a
Bitcoin miner that "flies under the radar" by consuming less than 500
watts? Supposedly it takes about 13,000 kW/h to mine one coin (source),
so that's about three years at 500 watts per hour. Three years is a long
time to wait (we could get lucky and earn a Bitcoin after 1 day,
right?), but on the other hand a $10,000 bonus once every three years
would be welcome! [Phil G]
- I have a half-baked, three-quarters-joking theory of cryptocurrency,
which is that it is a magical incarnation of a sort of male internet
grievance. People -- mostly men -- sit around on Reddit complaining that
they are underappreciated geniuses and that it is unfair that they have
not been rewarded with vast wealth. They feel dispossessed and
betrayed: They expected the modern world to reward computer literacy,
but then they grew up to realize that the modern world, much like the
old world, rewards mostly people skills and creativity and emotional
intelligence. And then Bitcoin came along, and paranoid
computer-literate people who spent a lot of time on the internet were
the early adopters, and it became the world's first economic system that
allocates wealth basically for hanging around on Reddit. What Bonatsos
describes is not an accident; cryptocurrency seems almost
custom-designed as a way for the men to get all the wealth, again. I
know you are going to email me to complain about this theory, but what I
want to propose here is: What if you didn't? [Bloomberg]
- I simply couldn't find much evidence that distributed ledgers are
useful for any real-world applications (other than speculative asset
bubbles). Once you understand that blockchains are bad at solving
real-world problems, then you will understand why Bitcoin will fail. The
blockchain imposes limitations that makes Bitcoin a bad version of
something that has been tried in the past: e-gold (description here and
Wired profile here). A company's stance on blockchain can also serve as a
test of a company's management. In my view, companies pushing
blockchain technology (e.g. IBM, Microsoft, Intel, Oracle) are
disconnected from customers' actual needs and have mediocre management.
Companies that don't talk about blockchain (e.g. Facebook, Amazon,
Google, Apple) are more likely to produce sensible technology that will
work in the real world. [Glenn Chan]
- "We're getting requests for service that are just astounding," said
Steve Wright, general manager of the Chelan County Public Utility
District, which includes Wenatchee. "We do not intend to carry the risk
of bitcoin prices on our system." [WSJ]
- The financial guys that really love bitcoin are some of the guys
that either blew up or closed funds due to poor performance. The two
most prominent fund manager bitcoin boosters are like that. It almost
feels like they are so happy to have found their Hail Mary pass. And the
most prominent guys that have good performance and didn't blow up tend
to be the guys that don't like bitcoin and think it's stupid, a bubble
or whatever. [Brooklyn]
- I'm not one to embrace conspiracy theories with alacrity but I do
believe the government is purposely orchestrating an environment where
cryptocurrencies can thrive—albeit for a truncated period of time—but
with a baneful ulterior motive in store for the middle class. I believe
governments are currently in the process of vetting the cryptocurrency
space and using bitcoin as its primary test case. Their goal is to allow
the public to gain trust and familiarity with electronic currencies
before crushing private cryptocurrencies altogether, then replacing them
with one government-sanctioned "bitcoin"—call it Fed-coin. [link]
- Every single entity on, with the exception of
Bitcoin, and, arguably, the Bitcoin-metacoins, is inherently flawed. By
this, I mean, each has a negative economic value and should be
abandoned. [link]
- I don't write about crypto-currency often because its proponents are
fanatical. (You’d be fanatical too if you combined rabid self interest
that might make you a multi-millionaire with a social engineering
project you thought was utopian.) But more and more, I am inclined to
agree with a judgement my friend made years ago: While Bitcoin does
something important (creates a peer-to-peer payment network) it does it
in a terrible way. [link]
- High computational power requirements translate into high
transaction fees. And that’s a problem for a lot of the applications
that have been proposed for the blockchain. Using bitcoin as a currency
is the biggest obvious problem. Most banks for example process millions
of transactions daily, and most of these transactions are almost free
because running a nice secure sever that handles a million transaction a
day isn’t a lot more expensive than one that handles just a few
transactions. [Alpha Vulture]
- Yesterday someone asked my cleaning lady to invest in Bitcoin. Now
if someone had asked her to accept payment in Bitcoin, or send payment
in Bitcoin, then this would be compelling evidence that one should
invest in Bitcoin. But when cleaning ladies are asked to invest in
Bitcoin, not a good investment. [Jim]
Read the comments:
Maybe. But I thought that with no barriers to entry for internet sales would have stifled AMZN years ago. But it hasn't.
Anyone can do internet retailing. Then why would AMZN be worth 2 trillion??
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