Thursday, January 21, 2016

"The sky is falling on print newspapers faster than you think"

A correspondent writes regarding the delightful (precipitous!) circulation declines at the propaganda rags:

In the 1978-1983 period, I read up to 7 newspapers a day. They all had the same editorial policy.

We canceled our daily Star-Tribune newspaper years ago. Since then, I do not read newspapers. We did not upgrade to HDTV, either. A while ago, we threw out our old TV.
In the past few years, I have tried subscribing to WSJ, Forbes, Fortune, Wired, and Oil & Gas Investor. All completely worthless. (Of course we know the Economist is worthless.)

Two problems for paper media: one, the annoying leftist bias and ignorance since everything is written by journo majors; two, the information is stale by the time it reaches your doorstep.


oldman said...

so you can take in information so rapidly that paper is of no use to you? Wow, I'm impressed.

High Plateau Drifter said...

The fact that the financial rags do not bother to back out the 1982 adjustments (removing house prices from CPI) and the 1997 Boskin Commission adjustments (hedonic adjustments, substitution effects) did it for me. The media are just lazy whores who's job is to keep the serfs calm.

Anonymous said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...

Jim, I think everyone is surprised that you're surprised. Do you not have a good blogroll / twitter follow list?

whydibuy said...

The internet has many alternative sites to get info from. I, too, have ditched conventional news sites for other sources and it has given me a real picture of just how biased MSM is. I think its one of the reasons Trump is so popular now. He is a product of that alternative source rather than the MSM. The MSM would never give a unbiased, supportive review of Trump's message but alternative sources do. Trump is also a sign that the msm no longer control and dictate the ideas and views put before the public. I love it.

ADL said...

How marvelously confident you are to dismiss others because they are biased. I myself have something of a liberal bent but I read your posts because I like to hear another point of view and hope to learn something from it, though it's ever so easy to listen only to those with whom I agree...

Taylor Conant said...


If you have a "liberal bias" you are a moron who is saying "I am unable to think about things completely logically, and/or I often choose to ignore where the logic leads in order to maintain my presumptious notions of how the world works, which is more important to me than knowing how the world actually works." Insert conservative/libertarian/socialist etc. for liberal, it operates on the same principle.

Do you keep up on neo-Nazi weeklies and the scribblings of local insane asylum parolees just to get a varied perspective on life's mysteries, or do you very reasonably decide to avoid imbibing such garbage because you realize it has zero valuable content to a reasoned mind?

ADL said...

@Taylor Conant: Well, I read your entire response and some things on your blogs. Make of that what you will.